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Arms and the Man by George Bernard Shaw ACT I <> Search ReadBookOnline.net ________________________________________________
Act I
Night. A lady's bedchamber in Bulgaria, in a smalltown near the Dragoman Pass. It is late inNovember in the year 1885, and through an openwindow with a little balcony on the left can beseen a peak of the Balkans, wonderfully white andbeautiful in the starlit snow. The interior of theroom is not like anything to be seen in the eastof Europe. It is half rich Bulgarian, half cheapViennese. The counterpane and hangings of the bed,the window curtains, the little carpet, and allthe ornamental textile fabrics in the room areoriental and gorgeous: the paper on the walls isoccidental and paltry. Above the head of the bed,which stands against a little wall cutting off theright hand corner of the room diagonally, is apainted wooden shrine, blue and gold, with anivory image of Christ, and a light hanging beforeit in a pierced metal ball suspended by threechains. On the left, further forward, is anottoman. The washstand, against the wall on theleft, consists of an enamelled iron basin with apail beneath it in a painted metal frame, and asingle towel on the rail at the side. A chair nearit is Austrian bent wood, with cane seat. Thedressing table, between the bed and the window, isan ordinary pine table, covered with a cloth ofmany colors, but with an expensive toilet mirroron it. The door is on the right; and there is achest of drawers between the door and the bed.This chest of drawers is also covered by avariegated native cloth, and on it there is a pileof paper backed novels, a box of chocolate creams,and a miniature easel, on which is a largephotograph of an extremely handsome officer, whoselofty bearing and magnetic glance can be felt evenfrom the portrait. The room is lighted by a candleon the chest of drawers, and another on thedressing table, with a box of matches beside it.
The window is hinged doorwise and stands wideopen, folding back to the left. Outside a pair ofwooden shutters, opening outwards, also standopen. On the balcony, a young lady, intenselyconscious of the romantic beauty of the night, andof the fact that her own youth and beauty is a partof it, is on the balcony, gazing at the snowyBalkans. She is covered by a long mantle of furs,worth, on a moderate estimate, about three timesthe furniture of her room.
Her reverie is interrupted by her mother,Catherine Petkoff, a woman over forty, imperiouslyenergetic, with magnificent black hair and eyes,who might be a very splendid specimen of the wifeof a mountain farmer, but is determined to be aViennese lady, and to that end wears a fashionabletea gown on all occasions.
CATHERINE (entering hastily, full of good news). Raina--(shepronounces it Rah-eena, with the stress on the ee) Raina--(shegoes to the bed, expecting to find Raina there.) Why,where--(Raina looks into the room.) Heavens! child, are you outin the night air instead of in your bed? You'll catch yourdeath. Louka told me you were asleep.
RAINA (coming in). I sent her away. I wanted to be alone. Thestars are so beautiful! What is the matter?
CATHERINE. Such news. There has been a battle!
RAINA (her eyes dilating). Ah! (She throws the cloak on theottoman, and comes eagerly to Catherine in her nightgown, apretty garment, but evidently the only one she has on.)
CATHERINE. A great battle at Slivnitza! A victory! And it waswon by Sergius.
RAINA (with a cry of delight). Ah! (Rapturously.) Oh, mother!(Then, with sudden anxiety) Is father safe?
CATHERINE. Of course: he sent me the news. Sergius is the heroof the hour, the idol of the regiment.
RAINA. Tell me, tell me. How was it! (Ecstatically) Oh, mother,mother, mother! (Raina pulls her mother down on the ottoman; andthey kiss one another frantically.)
CATHERINE (with surging enthusiasm). You can't guess howsplendid it is. A cavalry charge--think of that! He defied ourRussian commanders--acted without orders--led a charge on hisown responsibility--headed it himself--was the first man tosweep through their guns. Can't you see it, Raina; our gallantsplendid Bulgarians with their swords and eyes flashing,thundering down like an avalanche and scattering the wretchedServian dandies like chaff. And you--you kept Sergius waiting ayear before you would be betrothed to him. Oh, if you have adrop of Bulgarian blood in your veins, you will worship him whenhe comes back.
RAINA. What will he care for my poor little worship after theacclamations of a whole army of heroes? But no matter: I am sohappy--so proud! (She rises and walks about excitedly.) Itproves that all our ideas were real after all.
CATHERINE (indignantly). Our ideas real! What do you mean?
RAINA. Our ideas of what Sergius would do--our patriotism --ourheroic ideals. Oh, what faithless little creatures girls are!--Isometimes used to doubt whether they were anything but dreams.When I buckled on Sergius's sword he looked so noble: it wastreason to think of disillusion or humiliation or failure. Andyet--and yet--(Quickly.) Promise me you'll never tell him.
CATHERINE. Don't ask me for promises until I know what I ampromising.
RAINA. Well, it came into my head just as he was holding me inhis arms and looking into my eyes, that perhaps we only had ourheroic ideas because we are so fond of reading Byron andPushkin, and because we were so delighted with the opera thatseason at Bucharest. Real life is so seldom like that--indeednever, as far as I knew it then. (Remorsefully.) Only think,mother, I doubted him: I wondered whether all his heroicqualities and his soldiership might not prove mere imaginationwhen he went into a real battle. I had an uneasy fear that hemight cut a poor figure there beside all those clever Russianofficers.
CATHERINE. A poor figure! Shame on you! The Servians haveAustrian officers who are just as clever as our Russians; but wehave beaten them in every battle for all that.
RAINA (laughing and sitting down again). Yes, I was only aprosaic little coward. Oh, to think that it was all true--thatSergius is just as splendid and noble as he looks--that theworld is really a glorious world for women who can see its gloryand men who can act its romance! What happiness! whatunspeakable fulfilment! Ah! (She throws herself on her kneesbeside her mother and flings her arms passionately round her.They are interrupted by the entry of Louka, a handsome, proudgirl in a pretty Bulgarian peasant's dress with double apron, sodefiant that her servility to Raina is almost insolent. She isafraid of Catherine, but even with her goes as far as she dares.She is just now excited like the others; but she has no sympathyfor Raina's raptures and looks contemptuously at the ecstasiesof the two before she addresses them.)
LOUKA. If you please, madam, all the windows are to be closedand the shutters made fast. They say there may be shooting inthe streets. (Raina and Catherine rise together, alarmed.) TheServians are being chased right back through the pass; and theysay they may run into the town. Our cavalry will be after them;and our people will be ready for them you may be sure, now thatthey are running away. (She goes out on the balcony and pullsthe outside shutters to; then steps back into the room.)
RAINA. I wish our people were not so cruel. What glory is therein killing wretched fugitives?
CATHERINE (business-like, her housekeeping instincts aroused).I must see that everything is made safe downstairs.
RAINA (to Louka). Leave the shutters so that I can just closethem if I hear any noise.
CATHERINE (authoritatively, turning on her way to the door).Oh, no, dear, you must keep them fastened. You would be sure todrop off to sleep and leave them open. Make them fast, Louka.
LOUKA. Yes, madam. (She fastens them.)
RAINA. Don't be anxious about me. The moment I hear a shot, Ishall blow out the candles and roll myself up in bed with myears well covered.
CATHERINE. Quite the wisest thing you can do, my love.Good-night.
RAINA. Good-night. (They kiss one another, and Raina's emotioncomes back for a moment.) Wish me joy of the happiest night ofmy life--if only there are no fugitives.
CATHERINE. Go to bed, dear; and don't think of them. (She goesout.)
LOUKA (secretly, to Raina). If you would like the shuttersopen, just give them a push like this. (She pushes them: theyopen: she pulls them to again.) One of them ought to be boltedat the bottom; but the bolt's gone.
RAINA (with dignity, reproving her). Thanks, Louka; but we mustdo what we are told. (Louka makes a grimace.) Good-night.
LOUKA (carelessly). Good-night. (She goes out, swaggering.)
(Raina, left alone, goes to the chest of drawers,and adores the portrait there with feelings thatare beyond all expression. She does not kiss it orpress it to her breast, or shew it any mark ofbodily affection; but she takes it in her handsand elevates it like a priestess.)
RAINA (looking up at the picture with worship.) Oh, I shallnever be unworthy of you any more, my hero--never, never, never.
(She replaces it reverently, and selects a novelfrom the little pile of books. She turns over theleaves dreamily; finds her page; turns the bookinside out at it; and then, with a happy sigh,gets into bed and prepares to read herself tosleep. But before abandoning herself to fiction,she raises her eyes once more, thinking of theblessed reality and murmurs)
My hero! my hero!
(A distant shot breaks the quiet of the nightoutside. She starts, listening; and two moreshots, much nearer, follow, startling her so thatshe scrambles out of bed, and hastily blows outthe candle on the chest of drawers. Then, puttingher fingers in her ears, she runs to thedressing-table and blows out the light there, andhurries back to bed. The room is now in darkness:nothing is visible but the glimmer of the light inthe pierced ball before the image, and thestarlight seen through the slits at the top of theshutters. The firing breaks out again: there is astartling fusillade quite close at hand. Whilst itis still echoing, the shutters disappear, pulledopen from without, and for an instant therectangle of snowy starlight flashes out with thefigure of a man in black upon it. The shuttersclose immediately and the room is dark again. Butthe silence is now broken by the sound of panting.Then there is a scrape; and the flame of a matchis seen in the middle of the room.)
RAINA (crouching on the bed). Who's there? (The match is outinstantly.) Who's there? Who is that?
A MAN'S VOICE (in the darkness, subduedly, but threateningly).Sh--sh! Don't call out or you'll be shot. Be good; and no harmwill happen to you. (She is heard leaving her bed, and makingfor the door.) Take care, there's no use in trying to run away.Remember, if you raise your voice my pistol will go off.(Commandingly.) Strike a light and let me see you. Do you hear?(Another moment of silence and darkness. Then she is heardretreating to the dressing-table. She lights a candle, and themystery is at an end. A man of about 35, in a deplorable plight,bespattered with mud and blood and snow, his belt and the strapof his revolver case keeping together the torn ruins of the bluecoat of a Servian artillery officer. As far as the candlelightand his unwashed, unkempt condition make it possible to judge,he is a man of middling stature and undistinguished appearance,with strong neck and shoulders, a roundish, obstinate lookinghead covered with short crisp bronze curls, clear quick blueeyes and good brows and mouth, a hopelessly prosaic nose likethat of a strong-minded baby, trim soldierlike carriage andenergetic manner, and with all his wits about him in spite ofhis desperate predicament--even with a sense of humor of it,without, however, the least intention of trifling with it orthrowing away a chance. He reckons up what he can guess aboutRaina--her age, her social position, her character, the extentto which she is frightened--at a glance, and continues, morepolitely but still most determinedly) Excuse my disturbing you;but you recognise my uniform--Servian. If I'm caught I shall bekilled. (Determinedly.) Do you understand that?
MAN. Well, I don't intend to get killed if I can help it. (Stillmore determinedly.) Do you understand that? (He locks the doorwith a snap.)
RAINA (disdainfully). I suppose not. (She draws herself upsuperbly, and looks him straight in the face, saying withemphasis) Some soldiers, I know, are afraid of death.
MAN (with grim goodhumor). All of them, dear lady, all of them,believe me. It is our duty to live as long as we can, and killas many of the enemy as we can. Now if you raise an alarm--
RAINA (cutting him short). You will shoot me. How do you knowthat I am afraid to die?
MAN (cunningly). Ah; but suppose I don't shoot you, what willhappen then? Why, a lot of your cavalry--the greatestblackguards in your army--will burst into this pretty room ofyours and slaughter me here like a pig; for I'll fight like ademon: they shan't get me into the street to amuse themselveswith: I know what they are. Are you prepared to receive thatsort of company in your present undress? (Raina, suddenlyconscious of her nightgown, instinctively shrinks and gathers itmore closely about her. He watches her, and adds, pitilessly)It's rather scanty, eh? (She turns to the ottoman. He raises hispistol instantly, and cries) Stop! (She stops.) Where are yougoing?
RAINA (with dignified patience). Only to get my cloak.
MAN (darting to the ottoman and snatching the cloak). A goodidea. No: I'll keep the cloak: and you will take care thatnobody comes in and sees you without it. This is a better weaponthan the pistol. (He throws the pistol down on the ottoman.)
RAINA (revolted). It is not the weapon of a gentleman!
MAN. It's good enough for a man with only you to stand betweenhim and death. (As they look at one another for a moment, Rainahardly able to believe that even a Servian officer can be socynically and selfishly unchivalrous, they are startled by asharp fusillade in the street. The chill of imminent deathhushes the man's voice as he adds) Do you hear? If you are goingto bring those scoundrels in on me you shall receive them as youare. (Raina meets his eye with unflinching scorn. Suddenly hestarts, listening. There is a step outside. Someone tries thedoor, and then knocks hurriedly and urgently at it. Raina looksat the man, breathless. He throws up his head with the gestureof a man who sees that it is all over with him, and, droppingthe manner which he has been assuming to intimidate her, flingsthe cloak to her, exclaiming, sincerely and kindly) No use: I'mdone for. Quick! wrap yourself up: they're coming!
RAINA (catching the cloak eagerly). Oh, thank you. (She wrapsherself up with great relief. He draws his sabre and turns tothe door, waiting.)
LOUKA (outside, knocking). My lady, my lady! Get up, quick, andopen the door.
RAINA (anxiously). What will you do?
MAN (grimly). Never mind. Keep out of the way. It will not lastlong.
RAINA (impulsively). I'll help you. Hide yourself, oh, hideyourself, quick, behind the curtain. (She seizes him by a tornstrip of his sleeve, and pulls him towards the window.)
MAN (yielding to her). There is just half a chance, if you keepyour head. Remember: nine soldiers out of ten are born fools.(He hides behind the curtain, looking out for a moment to say,finally) If they find me, I promise you a fight--a devil of afight! (He disappears. Raina takes of the cloak and throws itacross the foot of the bed. Then with a sleepy, disturbed air,she opens the door. Louka enters excitedly.)
LOUKA. A man has been seen climbing up the water-pipe to yourbalcony--a Servian. The soldiers want to search for him; andthey are so wild and drunk and furious. My lady says you are todress at once.
RAINA (as if annoyed at being disturbed). They shall not searchhere. Why have they been let in?
CATHERINE (coming in hastily). Raina, darling, are you safe?Have you seen anyone or heard anything?
RAINA. I heard the shooting. Surely the soldiers will not darecome in here?
CATHERINE. I have found a Russian officer, thank Heaven: heknows Sergius. (Speaking through the door to someone outside.)Sir, will you come in now! My daughter is ready.
(A young Russian officer, in Bulgarian uniform, enters, sword in hand.)
THE OFFICER. (with soft, feline politeness and stiff militarycarriage). Good evening, gracious lady; I am sorry to intrude,but there is a fugitive hiding on the balcony. Will you and thegracious lady your mother please to withdraw whilst we search?
RAINA (petulantly). Nonsense, sir, you can see that there is noone on the balcony. (She throws the shutters wide open andstands with her back to the curtain where the man is hidden,pointing to the moonlit balcony. A couple of shots are firedright under the window, and a bullet shatters the glass oppositeRaina, who winks and gasps, but stands her ground, whilstCatherine screams, and the officer rushes to the balcony.)
THE OFFICER. (on the balcony, shouting savagely down to thestreet). Cease firing there, you fools: do you hear? Ceasefiring, damn you. (He glares down for a moment; then turns toRaina, trying to resume his polite manner.) Could anyone havegot in without your knowledge? Were you asleep?
RAINA. No, I have not been to bed.
THE OFFICER. (impatiently, coming back into the room). Yourneighbours have their heads so full of runaway Servians thatthey see them everywhere. (Politely.) Gracious lady, a thousandpardons. Good-night. (Military bow, which Raina returns coldly.Another to Catherine, who follows him out. Raina closes theshutters. She turns and sees Louka, who has been watching thescene curiously.)
RAINA. Don't leave my mother, Louka, whilst the soldiers arehere. (Louka glances at Raina, at the ottoman, at the curtain;then purses her lips secretively, laughs to herself, and goesout. Raina follows her to the door, shuts it behind her with aslam, and locks it violently. The man immediately steps out frombehind the curtain, sheathing his sabre, and dismissing thedanger from his mind in a businesslike way.)
MAN. A narrow shave; but a miss is as good as a mile. Dear younglady, your servant until death. I wish for your sake I hadjoined the Bulgarian army instead of the Servian. I am not anative Servian.
RAINA (haughtily). No, you are one of the Austrians who set theServians on to rob us of our national liberty, and who officertheir army for them. We hate them!
MAN. Austrian! not I. Don't hate me, dear young lady. I am onlya Swiss, fighting merely as a professional soldier. I joinedServia because it was nearest to me. Be generous: you've beatenus hollow.
RAINA. Have I not been generous?
MAN. Noble!--heroic! But I'm not saved yet. This particular rushwill soon pass through; but the pursuit will go on all night byfits and starts. I must take my chance to get off during a quietinterval. You don't mind my waiting just a minute or two, doyou?
RAINA. Oh, no: I am sorry you will have to go into danger again.(Motioning towards ottoman.) Won't you sit--(She breaks offwith an irrepressible cry of alarm as she catches sight of thepistol. The man, all nerves, shies like a frightened horse.)
MAN (irritably). Don't frighten me like that. What is it?
RAINA. Your pistol! It was staring that officer in the face allthe time. What an escape!
MAN (vexed at being unnecessarily terrified). Oh, is that all?
RAINA (staring at him rather superciliously, conceiving apoorer and poorer opinion of him, and feeling proportionatelymore and more at her ease with him). I am sorry I frightenedyou. (She takes up the pistol and hands it to him.) Pray take itto protect yourself against me.
MAN (grinning wearily at the sarcasm as he takes the pistol).No use, dear young lady: there's nothing in it. It's not loaded.(He makes a grimace at it, and drops it disparagingly into hisrevolver case.)
RAINA. Load it by all means.
MAN. I've no ammunition. What use are cartridges in battle? Ialways carry chocolate instead; and I finished the last cake ofthat yesterday.
RAINA (outraged in her most cherished ideals of manhood).Chocolate! Do you stuff your pockets with sweets--like aschoolboy--even in the field?
MAN. Yes. Isn't it contemptible?
(Raina stares at him, unable to utter herfeelings. Then she sails away scornfully to thechest of drawers, and returns with the box ofconfectionery in her hand.)
RAINA. Allow me. I am sorry I have eaten them all except these.(She offers him the box.)
MAN (ravenously). You're an angel! (He gobbles the comfits.)Creams! Delicious! (He looks anxiously to see whether there areany more. There are none. He accepts the inevitable withpathetic goodhumor, and says, with grateful emotion) Bless you,dear lady. You can always tell an old soldier by the inside ofhis holsters and cartridge boxes. The young ones carry pistolsand cartridges; the old ones, grub. Thank you. (He hands backthe box. She snatches it contemptuously from him and throws itaway. This impatient action is so sudden that he shies again.)Ugh! Don't do things so suddenly, gracious lady. Don't revengeyourself because I frightened you just now.
RAINA (superbly). Frighten me! Do you know, sir, that though Iam only a woman, I think I am at heart as brave as you.
MAN. I should think so. You haven't been under fire for threedays as I have. I can stand two days without shewing it much;but no man can stand three days: I'm as nervous as a mouse. (Hesits down on the ottoman, and takes his head in his hands.)Would you like to see me cry?
RAINA (quickly). No.
MAN. If you would, all you have to do is to scold me just as ifI were a little boy and you my nurse. If I were in camp nowthey'd play all sorts of tricks on me.
RAINA (a little moved). I'm sorry. I won't scold you. (Touchedby the sympathy in her tone, he raises his head and looksgratefully at her: she immediately draws hack and says stiffly) You must excuse me: our soldiers are not like that. (She moves away from the ottoman.)
MAN. Oh, yes, they are. There are only two sorts of soldiers:old ones and young ones. I've served fourteen years: half ofyour fellows never smelt powder before. Why, how is it thatyou've just beaten us? Sheer ignorance of the art of war,nothing else. (Indignantly.) I never saw anything sounprofessional.
RAINA (ironically). Oh, was it unprofessional to beat you?
MAN. Well, come, is it professional to throw a regiment ofcavalry on a battery of machine guns, with the dead certaintythat if the guns go off not a horse or man will ever get withinfifty yards of the fire? I couldn't believe my eyes when I sawit.
RAINA (eagerly turning to him, as all her enthusiasm and herdream of glory rush back on her). Did you see the great cavalrycharge? Oh, tell me about it. Describe it to me.
MAN. You never saw a cavalry charge, did you?
RAINA. How could I?
MAN. Ah, perhaps not--of course. Well, it's a funny sight. It'slike slinging a handful of peas against a window pane: first onecomes; then two or three close behind him; and then all the restin a lump.
RAINA (her eyes dilating as she raises her clasped handsecstatically). Yes, first One!--the bravest of the brave!
MAN (prosaically). Hm! you should see the poor devil pulling athis horse.
RAINA. Why should he pull at his horse?
MAN (impatient of so stupid a question). It's running away withhim, of course: do you suppose the fellow wants to get therebefore the others and be killed? Then they all come. You cantell the young ones by their wildness and their slashing. Theold ones come bunched up under the number one guard: they knowthat they are mere projectiles, and that it's no use trying tofight. The wounds are mostly broken knees, from the horsescannoning together.
RAINA. Ugh! But I don't believe the first man is a coward. Ibelieve he is a hero!
MAN (goodhumoredly). That's what you'd have said if you'd seenthe first man in the charge to-day.
RAINA (breathless). Ah, I knew it! Tell me--tell me about him.
MAN. He did it like an operatic tenor--a regular handsomefellow, with flashing eyes and lovely moustache, shouting awar-cry and charging like Don Quixote at the windmills. Wenearly burst with laughter at him; but when the sergeant ran upas white as a sheet, and told us they'd sent us the wrongcartridges, and that we couldn't fire a shot for the next tenminutes, we laughed at the other side of our mouths. I neverfelt so sick in my life, though I've been in one or two verytight places. And I hadn't even a revolver cartridge--nothingbut chocolate. We'd no bayonets--nothing. Of course, they justcut us to bits. And there was Don Quixote flourishing like adrum major, thinking he'd done the cleverest thing ever known,whereas he ought to be courtmartialled for it. Of all the foolsever let loose on a field of battle, that man must be the verymaddest. He and his regiment simply committed suicide--only thepistol missed fire, that's all.
RAINA (deeply wounded, but steadfastly loyal to her ideals).Indeed! Would you know him again if you saw him?
MAN. Shall I ever forget him. (She again goes to the chest ofdrawers. He watches her with a vague hope that she may havesomething else for him to eat. She takes the portrait from itsstand and brings it to him.)
RAINA. That is a photograph of the gentleman--the patriot andhero--to whom I am betrothed.
MAN (looking at it). I'm really very sorry. (Looking at her.)Was it fair to lead me on? (He looks at the portrait again.)Yes: that's him: not a doubt of it. (He stifles a laugh.)
RAINA (quickly). Why do you laugh?
MAN (shamefacedly, but still greatly tickled). I didn't laugh,I assure you. At least I didn't mean to. But when I think of himcharging the windmills and thinking he was doing the finestthing--(chokes with suppressed laughter).
RAINA (sternly). Give me back the portrait, sir.
MAN (with sincere remorse). Of course. Certainly. I'm reallyvery sorry. (She deliberately kisses it, and looks him straightin the face, before returning to the chest of drawers to replaceit. He follows her, apologizing.) Perhaps I'm quite wrong, youknow: no doubt I am. Most likely he had got wind of thecartridge business somehow, and knew it was a safe job.
RAINA. That is to say, he was a pretender and a coward! You didnot dare say that before.
MAN (with a comic gesture of despair). It's no use, dear lady:I can't make you see it from the professional point of view. (Ashe turns away to get back to the ottoman, the firing beginsagain in the distance.)
RAINA (sternly, as she sees him listening to the shots). Somuch the better for you.
MAN (turning). How?
RAINA. You are my enemy; and you are at my mercy. What would Ido if I were a professional soldier?
MAN. Ah, true, dear young lady: you're always right. I know howgood you have been to me: to my last hour I shall remember thosethree chocolate creams. It was unsoldierly; but it was angelic.
RAINA (coldly). Thank you. And now I will do a soldierly thing.You cannot stay here after what you have just said about myfuture husband; but I will go out on the balcony and see whetherit is safe for you to climb down into the street. (She turns tothe window.)
MAN (changing countenance). Down that waterpipe! Stop! Wait! Ican't! I daren't! The very thought of it makes me giddy. I cameup it fast enough with death behind me. But to face it now incold blood!--(He sinks on the ottoman.) It's no use: I give up:I'm beaten. Give the alarm. (He drops his head in his hands inthe deepest dejection.)
RAINA (disarmed by pity). Come, don't be disheartened. (Shestoops over him almost maternally: he shakes his head.) Oh, youare a very poor soldier--a chocolate cream soldier. Come, cheerup: it takes less courage to climb down than to facecapture--remember that.
MAN (dreamily, lulled by her voice). No, capture only meansdeath; and death is sleep--oh, sleep, sleep, sleep, undisturbedsleep! Climbing down the pipe means doing something--exertingmyself--thinking! Death ten times over first.
RAINA (softly and wonderingly, catching the rhythm of hisweariness). Are you so sleepy as that?
MAN. I've not had two hours' undisturbed sleep since the warbegan. I'm on the staff: you don't know what that means. Ihaven't closed my eyes for thirty-six hours.
RAINA (desperately). But what am I to do with you.
MAN (staggering up). Of course I must do something. (He shakeshimself; pulls himself together; and speaks with rallied vigourand courage.) You see, sleep or no sleep, hunger or no hunger,tired or not tired, you can always do a thing when you know itmust be done. Well, that pipe must be got down--(He hits himselfon the chest, and adds)--Do you hear that, you chocolate creamsoldier? (He turns to the window.)
RAINA (anxiously). But if you fall?
MAN. I shall sleep as if the stones were a feather bed.Good-bye. (He makes boldly for the window, and his hand is onthe shutter when there is a terrible burst of firing in thestreet beneath.)
RAINA (rushing to him). Stop! (She catches him by the shoulder,and turns him quite round.) They'll kill you.
MAN (coolly, but attentively). Never mind: this sort of thingis all in my day's work. I'm bound to take my chance.(Decisively.) Now do what I tell you. Put out the candles, sothat they shan't see the light when I open the shutters. Andkeep away from the window, whatever you do. If they see me,they're sure to have a shot at me.
RAINA (clinging to him). They're sure to see you: it's brightmoonlight. I'll save you--oh, how can you be so indifferent? Youwant me to save you, don't you?
MAN. I really don't want to be troublesome. (She shakes him inher impatience.) I am not indifferent, dear young lady, I assureyou. But how is it to be done?
RAINA. Come away from the window--please. (She coaxes him backto the middle of the room. He submits humbly. She releases him,and addresses him patronizingly.) Now listen. You must trust toour hospitality. You do not yet know in whose house you are. Iam a Petkoff.
MAN. What's that?
RAINA (rather indignantly). I mean that I belong to the familyof the Petkoffs, the richest and best known in our country.
MAN. Oh, yes, of course. I beg your pardon. The Petkoffs, to besure. How stupid of me!
RAINA. You know you never heard of them until this minute. Howcan you stoop to pretend?
MAN. Forgive me: I'm too tired to think; and the change ofsubject was too much for me. Don't scold me.
RAINA. I forgot. It might make you cry. (He nods, quiteseriously. She pouts and then resumes her patronizing tone.) Imust tell you that my father holds the highest command of anyBulgarian in our army. He is (proudly) a Major.
MAN (pretending to be deeply impressed). A Major! Bless me!Think of that!
RAINA. You shewed great ignorance in thinking that it wasnecessary to climb up to the balcony, because ours is the onlyprivate house that has two rows of windows. There is a flight ofstairs inside to get up and down by.
MAN. Stairs! How grand! You live in great luxury indeed, dearyoung lady.
RAINA. Do you know what a library is?
MAN. A library? A roomful of books.
RAINA. Yes, we have one, the only one in Bulgaria.
MAN. Actually a real library! I should like to see that.
RAINA (affectedly). I tell you these things to shew you thatyou are not in the house of ignorant country folk who would killyou the moment they saw your Servian uniform, but amongcivilized people. We go to Bucharest every year for the operaseason; and I have spent a whole month in Vienna.
MAN. I saw that, dear young lady. I saw at once that you knewthe world.
RAINA. Have you ever seen the opera of Ernani?
MAN. Is that the one with the devil in it in red velvet, and asoldier's chorus?
RAINA (contemptuously). No!
MAN (stifling a heavy sigh of weariness). Then I don't know it.
RAINA. I thought you might have remembered the great scene whereErnani, flying from his foes just as you are tonight, takesrefuge in the castle of his bitterest enemy, an old Castiliannoble. The noble refuses to give him up. His guest is sacred tohim.
MAN (quickly waking up a little). Have your people got thatnotion?
RAINA (with dignity). My mother and I can understand thatnotion, as you call it. And if instead of threatening me withyour pistol as you did, you had simply thrown yourself as afugitive on our hospitality, you would have been as safe as inyour father's house.
MAN. Quite sure?
RAINA (turning her back on him in disgust.) Oh, it is uselessto try and make you understand.
MAN. Don't be angry: you see how awkward it would be for me ifthere was any mistake. My father is a very hospitable man: hekeeps six hotels; but I couldn't trust him as far as that. Whatabout YOUR father?
RAINA. He is away at Slivnitza fighting for his country. Ianswer for your safety. There is my hand in pledge of it. Willthat reassure you? (She offers him her hand.)
MAN (looking dubiously at his own hand). Better not touch myhand, dear young lady. I must have a wash first.
RAINA (touched). That is very nice of you. I see that you are agentleman.
MAN (puzzled). Eh?
RAINA. You must not think I am surprised. Bulgarians of reallygood standing--people in OUR position--wash their hands nearlyevery day. But I appreciate your delicacy. You may take my hand.(She offers it again.)
MAN (kissing it with his hands behind his back). Thanks,gracious young lady: I feel safe at last. And now would you mindbreaking the news to your mother? I had better not stay heresecretly longer than is necessary.
RAINA. If you will be so good as to keep perfectly still whilstI am away.
MAN. Certainly. (He sits down on the ottoman.)
(Raina goes to the bed and wraps herself in thefur cloak. His eyes close. She goes to the door, but on turning for a last look at him, sees thathe is dropping of to sleep.)
RAINA (at the door). You are not going asleep, are you?(He murmurs inarticulately: she runs to him and shakes him.)Do you hear? Wake up: you are falling asleep.
MAN. Eh? Falling aslee--? Oh, no, not the least inthe world: I was only thinking. It's all right: I'm wideawake.
RAINA (severely). Will you please stand up while I amaway. (He rises reluctantly.) All the time, mind.
MAN (standing unsteadily). Certainly--certainly: youmay depend on me.
(Raina looks doubtfully at him. He smiles foolishly. She goes reluctantly, turning again at the door, and almost catching him in the act of yawning. She goes out.)
MAN (drowsily). Sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, slee--(Tbewords trail of into a murmur. He wakes again with ashock on the point of falling.) Where am I? That's whatI want to know: where am I? Must keep awake. Nothingkeeps me awake except danger--remember that--(intently)danger, danger, danger, dan-- Where's danger? Mustfind it. (He starts of vaguely around the room in search ofit.) What am I looking for? Sleep--danger--don't know.(He stumbles against the bed.) Ah, yes: now I know. Allright now. I'm to go to bed, but not to sleep--be surenot to sleep--because of danger. Not to lie down, either,only sit down. (He sits on the bed. A blissful expressioncomes into his face.) Ah! (With a happy sigh he sinks backat full length; lifts his boots into the bed with a final effort; and falls fast asleep instantly.)
(Catherine comes in, followed by Raina.)
RAINA (looking at the ottoman). He's gone! I left himhere.
CATHERINE, Here! Then he must have climbed down from the--
RAINA (seeing him). Oh! (She points.)
CATHERINE (scandalized). Well! (She strides to the leftside of the bed, Raina following and standing opposite her onthe right.) He's fast asleep. The brute!
RAINA (anxiously). Sh!
CATHERINE (shaking him). Sir! (Shaking him again,harder.) Sir!! (Vehemently shaking very bard.) Sir!!!
RAINA (catching her arm). Don't, mamma: the poor dearis worn out. Let him sleep.
CATHERINE (letting him go and turning amazed to Raina).The poor dear! Raina!!! (She looks sternly at herdaughter. The man sleeps profoundly.)
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Arms and the Man by George Bernard Shaw ACT I <> Search ReadBookOnline.net ________________________________________________
Act I
Night. A lady's bedchamber in Bulgaria, in a smalltown near the Dragoman Pass. It is late inNovember in the year 1885, and through an openwindow with a little balcony on the left can beseen a peak of the Balkans, wonderfully white andbeautiful in the starlit snow. The interior of theroom is not like anything to be seen in the eastof Europe. It is half rich Bulgarian, half cheapViennese. The counterpane and hangings of the bed,the window curtains, the little carpet, and allthe ornamental textile fabrics in the room areoriental and gorgeous: the paper on the walls isoccidental and paltry. Above the head of the bed,which stands against a little wall cutting off theright hand corner of the room diagonally, is apainted wooden shrine, blue and gold, with anivory image of Christ, and a light hanging beforeit in a pierced metal ball suspended by threechains. On the left, further forward, is anottoman. The washstand, against the wall on theleft, consists of an enamelled iron basin with apail beneath it in a painted metal frame, and asingle towel on the rail at the side. A chair nearit is Austrian bent wood, with cane seat. Thedressing table, between the bed and the window, isan ordinary pine table, covered with a cloth ofmany colors, but with an expensive toilet mirroron it. The door is on the right; and there is achest of drawers between the door and the bed.This chest of drawers is also covered by avariegated native cloth, and on it there is a pileof paper backed novels, a box of chocolate creams,and a miniature easel, on which is a largephotograph of an extremely handsome officer, whoselofty bearing and magnetic glance can be felt evenfrom the portrait. The room is lighted by a candleon the chest of drawers, and another on thedressing table, with a box of matches beside it.
The window is hinged doorwise and stands wideopen, folding back to the left. Outside a pair ofwooden shutters, opening outwards, also standopen. On the balcony, a young lady, intenselyconscious of the romantic beauty of the night, andof the fact that her own youth and beauty is a partof it, is on the balcony, gazing at the snowyBalkans. She is covered by a long mantle of furs,worth, on a moderate estimate, about three timesthe furniture of her room.
Her reverie is interrupted by her mother,Catherine Petkoff, a woman over forty, imperiouslyenergetic, with magnificent black hair and eyes,who might be a very splendid specimen of the wifeof a mountain farmer, but is determined to be aViennese lady, and to that end wears a fashionabletea gown on all occasions.
CATHERINE (entering hastily, full of good news). Raina--(shepronounces it Rah-eena, with the stress on the ee) Raina--(shegoes to the bed, expecting to find Raina there.) Why,where--(Raina looks into the room.) Heavens! child, are you outin the night air instead of in your bed? You'll catch yourdeath. Louka told me you were asleep.
RAINA (coming in). I sent her away. I wanted to be alone. Thestars are so beautiful! What is the matter?
CATHERINE. Such news. There has been a battle!
RAINA (her eyes dilating). Ah! (She throws the cloak on theottoman, and comes eagerly to Catherine in her nightgown, apretty garment, but evidently the only one she has on.)
CATHERINE. A great battle at Slivnitza! A victory! And it waswon by Sergius.
RAINA (with a cry of delight). Ah! (Rapturously.) Oh, mother!(Then, with sudden anxiety) Is father safe?
CATHERINE. Of course: he sent me the news. Sergius is the heroof the hour, the idol of the regiment.
RAINA. Tell me, tell me. How was it! (Ecstatically) Oh, mother,mother, mother! (Raina pulls her mother down on the ottoman; andthey kiss one another frantically.)
CATHERINE (with surging enthusiasm). You can't guess howsplendid it is. A cavalry charge--think of that! He defied ourRussian commanders--acted without orders--led a charge on hisown responsibility--headed it himself--was the first man tosweep through their guns. Can't you see it, Raina; our gallantsplendid Bulgarians with their swords and eyes flashing,thundering down like an avalanche and scattering the wretchedServian dandies like chaff. And you--you kept Sergius waiting ayear before you would be betrothed to him. Oh, if you have adrop of Bulgarian blood in your veins, you will worship him whenhe comes back.
RAINA. What will he care for my poor little worship after theacclamations of a whole army of heroes? But no matter: I am sohappy--so proud! (She rises and walks about excitedly.) Itproves that all our ideas were real after all.
CATHERINE (indignantly). Our ideas real! What do you mean?
RAINA. Our ideas of what Sergius would do--our patriotism --ourheroic ideals. Oh, what faithless little creatures girls are!--Isometimes used to doubt whether they were anything but dreams.When I buckled on Sergius's sword he looked so noble: it wastreason to think of disillusion or humiliation or failure. Andyet--and yet--(Quickly.) Promise me you'll never tell him.
CATHERINE. Don't ask me for promises until I know what I ampromising.
RAINA. Well, it came into my head just as he was holding me inhis arms and looking into my eyes, that perhaps we only had ourheroic ideas because we are so fond of reading Byron andPushkin, and because we were so delighted with the opera thatseason at Bucharest. Real life is so seldom like that--indeednever, as far as I knew it then. (Remorsefully.) Only think,mother, I doubted him: I wondered whether all his heroicqualities and his soldiership might not prove mere imaginationwhen he went into a real battle. I had an uneasy fear that hemight cut a poor figure there beside all those clever Russianofficers.
CATHERINE. A poor figure! Shame on you! The Servians haveAustrian officers who are just as clever as our Russians; but wehave beaten them in every battle for all that.
RAINA (laughing and sitting down again). Yes, I was only aprosaic little coward. Oh, to think that it was all true--thatSergius is just as splendid and noble as he looks--that theworld is really a glorious world for women who can see its gloryand men who can act its romance! What happiness! whatunspeakable fulfilment! Ah! (She throws herself on her kneesbeside her mother and flings her arms passionately round her.They are interrupted by the entry of Louka, a handsome, proudgirl in a pretty Bulgarian peasant's dress with double apron, sodefiant that her servility to Raina is almost insolent. She isafraid of Catherine, but even with her goes as far as she dares.She is just now excited like the others; but she has no sympathyfor Raina's raptures and looks contemptuously at the ecstasiesof the two before she addresses them.)
LOUKA. If you please, madam, all the windows are to be closedand the shutters made fast. They say there may be shooting inthe streets. (Raina and Catherine rise together, alarmed.) TheServians are being chased right back through the pass; and theysay they may run into the town. Our cavalry will be after them;and our people will be ready for them you may be sure, now thatthey are running away. (She goes out on the balcony and pullsthe outside shutters to; then steps back into the room.)
RAINA. I wish our people were not so cruel. What glory is therein killing wretched fugitives?
CATHERINE (business-like, her housekeeping instincts aroused).I must see that everything is made safe downstairs.
RAINA (to Louka). Leave the shutters so that I can just closethem if I hear any noise.
CATHERINE (authoritatively, turning on her way to the door).Oh, no, dear, you must keep them fastened. You would be sure todrop off to sleep and leave them open. Make them fast, Louka.
LOUKA. Yes, madam. (She fastens them.)
RAINA. Don't be anxious about me. The moment I hear a shot, Ishall blow out the candles and roll myself up in bed with myears well covered.
CATHERINE. Quite the wisest thing you can do, my love.Good-night.
RAINA. Good-night. (They kiss one another, and Raina's emotioncomes back for a moment.) Wish me joy of the happiest night ofmy life--if only there are no fugitives.
CATHERINE. Go to bed, dear; and don't think of them. (She goesout.)
LOUKA (secretly, to Raina). If you would like the shuttersopen, just give them a push like this. (She pushes them: theyopen: she pulls them to again.) One of them ought to be boltedat the bottom; but the bolt's gone.
RAINA (with dignity, reproving her). Thanks, Louka; but we mustdo what we are told. (Louka makes a grimace.) Good-night.
LOUKA (carelessly). Good-night. (She goes out, swaggering.)
(Raina, left alone, goes to the chest of drawers,and adores the portrait there with feelings thatare beyond all expression. She does not kiss it orpress it to her breast, or shew it any mark ofbodily affection; but she takes it in her handsand elevates it like a priestess.)
RAINA (looking up at the picture with worship.) Oh, I shallnever be unworthy of you any more, my hero--never, never, never.
(She replaces it reverently, and selects a novelfrom the little pile of books. She turns over theleaves dreamily; finds her page; turns the bookinside out at it; and then, with a happy sigh,gets into bed and prepares to read herself tosleep. But before abandoning herself to fiction,she raises her eyes once more, thinking of theblessed reality and murmurs)
My hero! my hero!
(A distant shot breaks the quiet of the nightoutside. She starts, listening; and two moreshots, much nearer, follow, startling her so thatshe scrambles out of bed, and hastily blows outthe candle on the chest of drawers. Then, puttingher fingers in her ears, she runs to thedressing-table and blows out the light there, andhurries back to bed. The room is now in darkness:nothing is visible but the glimmer of the light inthe pierced ball before the image, and thestarlight seen through the slits at the top of theshutters. The firing breaks out again: there is astartling fusillade quite close at hand. Whilst itis still echoing, the shutters disappear, pulledopen from without, and for an instant therectangle of snowy starlight flashes out with thefigure of a man in black upon it. The shuttersclose immediately and the room is dark again. Butthe silence is now broken by the sound of panting.Then there is a scrape; and the flame of a matchis seen in the middle of the room.)
RAINA (crouching on the bed). Who's there? (The match is outinstantly.) Who's there? Who is that?
A MAN'S VOICE (in the darkness, subduedly, but threateningly).Sh--sh! Don't call out or you'll be shot. Be good; and no harmwill happen to you. (She is heard leaving her bed, and makingfor the door.) Take care, there's no use in trying to run away.Remember, if you raise your voice my pistol will go off.(Commandingly.) Strike a light and let me see you. Do you hear?(Another moment of silence and darkness. Then she is heardretreating to the dressing-table. She lights a candle, and themystery is at an end. A man of about 35, in a deplorable plight,bespattered with mud and blood and snow, his belt and the strapof his revolver case keeping together the torn ruins of the bluecoat of a Servian artillery officer. As far as the candlelightand his unwashed, unkempt condition make it possible to judge,he is a man of middling stature and undistinguished appearance,with strong neck and shoulders, a roundish, obstinate lookinghead covered with short crisp bronze curls, clear quick blueeyes and good brows and mouth, a hopelessly prosaic nose likethat of a strong-minded baby, trim soldierlike carriage andenergetic manner, and with all his wits about him in spite ofhis desperate predicament--even with a sense of humor of it,without, however, the least intention of trifling with it orthrowing away a chance. He reckons up what he can guess aboutRaina--her age, her social position, her character, the extentto which she is frightened--at a glance, and continues, morepolitely but still most determinedly) Excuse my disturbing you;but you recognise my uniform--Servian. If I'm caught I shall bekilled. (Determinedly.) Do you understand that?
MAN. Well, I don't intend to get killed if I can help it. (Stillmore determinedly.) Do you understand that? (He locks the doorwith a snap.)
RAINA (disdainfully). I suppose not. (She draws herself upsuperbly, and looks him straight in the face, saying withemphasis) Some soldiers, I know, are afraid of death.
MAN (with grim goodhumor). All of them, dear lady, all of them,believe me. It is our duty to live as long as we can, and killas many of the enemy as we can. Now if you raise an alarm--
RAINA (cutting him short). You will shoot me. How do you knowthat I am afraid to die?
MAN (cunningly). Ah; but suppose I don't shoot you, what willhappen then? Why, a lot of your cavalry--the greatestblackguards in your army--will burst into this pretty room ofyours and slaughter me here like a pig; for I'll fight like ademon: they shan't get me into the street to amuse themselveswith: I know what they are. Are you prepared to receive thatsort of company in your present undress? (Raina, suddenlyconscious of her nightgown, instinctively shrinks and gathers itmore closely about her. He watches her, and adds, pitilessly)It's rather scanty, eh? (She turns to the ottoman. He raises hispistol instantly, and cries) Stop! (She stops.) Where are yougoing?
RAINA (with dignified patience). Only to get my cloak.
MAN (darting to the ottoman and snatching the cloak). A goodidea. No: I'll keep the cloak: and you will take care thatnobody comes in and sees you without it. This is a better weaponthan the pistol. (He throws the pistol down on the ottoman.)
RAINA (revolted). It is not the weapon of a gentleman!
MAN. It's good enough for a man with only you to stand betweenhim and death. (As they look at one another for a moment, Rainahardly able to believe that even a Servian officer can be socynically and selfishly unchivalrous, they are startled by asharp fusillade in the street. The chill of imminent deathhushes the man's voice as he adds) Do you hear? If you are goingto bring those scoundrels in on me you shall receive them as youare. (Raina meets his eye with unflinching scorn. Suddenly hestarts, listening. There is a step outside. Someone tries thedoor, and then knocks hurriedly and urgently at it. Raina looksat the man, breathless. He throws up his head with the gestureof a man who sees that it is all over with him, and, droppingthe manner which he has been assuming to intimidate her, flingsthe cloak to her, exclaiming, sincerely and kindly) No use: I'mdone for. Quick! wrap yourself up: they're coming!
RAINA (catching the cloak eagerly). Oh, thank you. (She wrapsherself up with great relief. He draws his sabre and turns tothe door, waiting.)
LOUKA (outside, knocking). My lady, my lady! Get up, quick, andopen the door.
RAINA (anxiously). What will you do?
MAN (grimly). Never mind. Keep out of the way. It will not lastlong.
RAINA (impulsively). I'll help you. Hide yourself, oh, hideyourself, quick, behind the curtain. (She seizes him by a tornstrip of his sleeve, and pulls him towards the window.)
MAN (yielding to her). There is just half a chance, if you keepyour head. Remember: nine soldiers out of ten are born fools.(He hides behind the curtain, looking out for a moment to say,finally) If they find me, I promise you a fight--a devil of afight! (He disappears. Raina takes of the cloak and throws itacross the foot of the bed. Then with a sleepy, disturbed air,she opens the door. Louka enters excitedly.)
LOUKA. A man has been seen climbing up the water-pipe to yourbalcony--a Servian. The soldiers want to search for him; andthey are so wild and drunk and furious. My lady says you are todress at once.
RAINA (as if annoyed at being disturbed). They shall not searchhere. Why have they been let in?
CATHERINE (coming in hastily). Raina, darling, are you safe?Have you seen anyone or heard anything?
RAINA. I heard the shooting. Surely the soldiers will not darecome in here?
CATHERINE. I have found a Russian officer, thank Heaven: heknows Sergius. (Speaking through the door to someone outside.)Sir, will you come in now! My daughter is ready.
(A young Russian officer, in Bulgarian uniform, enters, sword in hand.)
THE OFFICER. (with soft, feline politeness and stiff militarycarriage). Good evening, gracious lady; I am sorry to intrude,but there is a fugitive hiding on the balcony. Will you and thegracious lady your mother please to withdraw whilst we search?
RAINA (petulantly). Nonsense, sir, you can see that there is noone on the balcony. (She throws the shutters wide open andstands with her back to the curtain where the man is hidden,pointing to the moonlit balcony. A couple of shots are firedright under the window, and a bullet shatters the glass oppositeRaina, who winks and gasps, but stands her ground, whilstCatherine screams, and the officer rushes to the balcony.)
THE OFFICER. (on the balcony, shouting savagely down to thestreet). Cease firing there, you fools: do you hear? Ceasefiring, damn you. (He glares down for a moment; then turns toRaina, trying to resume his polite manner.) Could anyone havegot in without your knowledge? Were you asleep?
RAINA. No, I have not been to bed.
THE OFFICER. (impatiently, coming back into the room). Yourneighbours have their heads so full of runaway Servians thatthey see them everywhere. (Politely.) Gracious lady, a thousandpardons. Good-night. (Military bow, which Raina returns coldly.Another to Catherine, who follows him out. Raina closes theshutters. She turns and sees Louka, who has been watching thescene curiously.)
RAINA. Don't leave my mother, Louka, whilst the soldiers arehere. (Louka glances at Raina, at the ottoman, at the curtain;then purses her lips secretively, laughs to herself, and goesout. Raina follows her to the door, shuts it behind her with aslam, and locks it violently. The man immediately steps out frombehind the curtain, sheathing his sabre, and dismissing thedanger from his mind in a businesslike way.)
MAN. A narrow shave; but a miss is as good as a mile. Dear younglady, your servant until death. I wish for your sake I hadjoined the Bulgarian army instead of the Servian. I am not anative Servian.
RAINA (haughtily). No, you are one of the Austrians who set theServians on to rob us of our national liberty, and who officertheir army for them. We hate them!
MAN. Austrian! not I. Don't hate me, dear young lady. I am onlya Swiss, fighting merely as a professional soldier. I joinedServia because it was nearest to me. Be generous: you've beatenus hollow.
RAINA. Have I not been generous?
MAN. Noble!--heroic! But I'm not saved yet. This particular rushwill soon pass through; but the pursuit will go on all night byfits and starts. I must take my chance to get off during a quietinterval. You don't mind my waiting just a minute or two, doyou?
RAINA. Oh, no: I am sorry you will have to go into danger again.(Motioning towards ottoman.) Won't you sit--(She breaks offwith an irrepressible cry of alarm as she catches sight of thepistol. The man, all nerves, shies like a frightened horse.)
MAN (irritably). Don't frighten me like that. What is it?
RAINA. Your pistol! It was staring that officer in the face allthe time. What an escape!
MAN (vexed at being unnecessarily terrified). Oh, is that all?
RAINA (staring at him rather superciliously, conceiving apoorer and poorer opinion of him, and feeling proportionatelymore and more at her ease with him). I am sorry I frightenedyou. (She takes up the pistol and hands it to him.) Pray take itto protect yourself against me.
MAN (grinning wearily at the sarcasm as he takes the pistol).No use, dear young lady: there's nothing in it. It's not loaded.(He makes a grimace at it, and drops it disparagingly into hisrevolver case.)
RAINA. Load it by all means.
MAN. I've no ammunition. What use are cartridges in battle? Ialways carry chocolate instead; and I finished the last cake ofthat yesterday.
RAINA (outraged in her most cherished ideals of manhood).Chocolate! Do you stuff your pockets with sweets--like aschoolboy--even in the field?
MAN. Yes. Isn't it contemptible?
(Raina stares at him, unable to utter herfeelings. Then she sails away scornfully to thechest of drawers, and returns with the box ofconfectionery in her hand.)
RAINA. Allow me. I am sorry I have eaten them all except these.(She offers him the box.)
MAN (ravenously). You're an angel! (He gobbles the comfits.)Creams! Delicious! (He looks anxiously to see whether there areany more. There are none. He accepts the inevitable withpathetic goodhumor, and says, with grateful emotion) Bless you,dear lady. You can always tell an old soldier by the inside ofhis holsters and cartridge boxes. The young ones carry pistolsand cartridges; the old ones, grub. Thank you. (He hands backthe box. She snatches it contemptuously from him and throws itaway. This impatient action is so sudden that he shies again.)Ugh! Don't do things so suddenly, gracious lady. Don't revengeyourself because I frightened you just now.
RAINA (superbly). Frighten me! Do you know, sir, that though Iam only a woman, I think I am at heart as brave as you.
MAN. I should think so. You haven't been under fire for threedays as I have. I can stand two days without shewing it much;but no man can stand three days: I'm as nervous as a mouse. (Hesits down on the ottoman, and takes his head in his hands.)Would you like to see me cry?
RAINA (quickly). No.
MAN. If you would, all you have to do is to scold me just as ifI were a little boy and you my nurse. If I were in camp nowthey'd play all sorts of tricks on me.
RAINA (a little moved). I'm sorry. I won't scold you. (Touchedby the sympathy in her tone, he raises his head and looksgratefully at her: she immediately draws hack and says stiffly) You must excuse me: our soldiers are not like that. (She moves away from the ottoman.)
MAN. Oh, yes, they are. There are only two sorts of soldiers:old ones and young ones. I've served fourteen years: half ofyour fellows never smelt powder before. Why, how is it thatyou've just beaten us? Sheer ignorance of the art of war,nothing else. (Indignantly.) I never saw anything sounprofessional.
RAINA (ironically). Oh, was it unprofessional to beat you?
MAN. Well, come, is it professional to throw a regiment ofcavalry on a battery of machine guns, with the dead certaintythat if the guns go off not a horse or man will ever get withinfifty yards of the fire? I couldn't believe my eyes when I sawit.
RAINA (eagerly turning to him, as all her enthusiasm and herdream of glory rush back on her). Did you see the great cavalrycharge? Oh, tell me about it. Describe it to me.
MAN. You never saw a cavalry charge, did you?
RAINA. How could I?
MAN. Ah, perhaps not--of course. Well, it's a funny sight. It'slike slinging a handful of peas against a window pane: first onecomes; then two or three close behind him; and then all the restin a lump.
RAINA (her eyes dilating as she raises her clasped handsecstatically). Yes, first One!--the bravest of the brave!
MAN (prosaically). Hm! you should see the poor devil pulling athis horse.
RAINA. Why should he pull at his horse?
MAN (impatient of so stupid a question). It's running away withhim, of course: do you suppose the fellow wants to get therebefore the others and be killed? Then they all come. You cantell the young ones by their wildness and their slashing. Theold ones come bunched up under the number one guard: they knowthat they are mere projectiles, and that it's no use trying tofight. The wounds are mostly broken knees, from the horsescannoning together.
RAINA. Ugh! But I don't believe the first man is a coward. Ibelieve he is a hero!
MAN (goodhumoredly). That's what you'd have said if you'd seenthe first man in the charge to-day.
RAINA (breathless). Ah, I knew it! Tell me--tell me about him.
MAN. He did it like an operatic tenor--a regular handsomefellow, with flashing eyes and lovely moustache, shouting awar-cry and charging like Don Quixote at the windmills. Wenearly burst with laughter at him; but when the sergeant ran upas white as a sheet, and told us they'd sent us the wrongcartridges, and that we couldn't fire a shot for the next tenminutes, we laughed at the other side of our mouths. I neverfelt so sick in my life, though I've been in one or two verytight places. And I hadn't even a revolver cartridge--nothingbut chocolate. We'd no bayonets--nothing. Of course, they justcut us to bits. And there was Don Quixote flourishing like adrum major, thinking he'd done the cleverest thing ever known,whereas he ought to be courtmartialled for it. Of all the foolsever let loose on a field of battle, that man must be the verymaddest. He and his regiment simply committed suicide--only thepistol missed fire, that's all.
RAINA (deeply wounded, but steadfastly loyal to her ideals).Indeed! Would you know him again if you saw him?
MAN. Shall I ever forget him. (She again goes to the chest ofdrawers. He watches her with a vague hope that she may havesomething else for him to eat. She takes the portrait from itsstand and brings it to him.)
RAINA. That is a photograph of the gentleman--the patriot andhero--to whom I am betrothed.
MAN (looking at it). I'm really very sorry. (Looking at her.)Was it fair to lead me on? (He looks at the portrait again.)Yes: that's him: not a doubt of it. (He stifles a laugh.)
RAINA (quickly). Why do you laugh?
MAN (shamefacedly, but still greatly tickled). I didn't laugh,I assure you. At least I didn't mean to. But when I think of himcharging the windmills and thinking he was doing the finestthing--(chokes with suppressed laughter).
RAINA (sternly). Give me back the portrait, sir.
MAN (with sincere remorse). Of course. Certainly. I'm reallyvery sorry. (She deliberately kisses it, and looks him straightin the face, before returning to the chest of drawers to replaceit. He follows her, apologizing.) Perhaps I'm quite wrong, youknow: no doubt I am. Most likely he had got wind of thecartridge business somehow, and knew it was a safe job.
RAINA. That is to say, he was a pretender and a coward! You didnot dare say that before.
MAN (with a comic gesture of despair). It's no use, dear lady:I can't make you see it from the professional point of view. (Ashe turns away to get back to the ottoman, the firing beginsagain in the distance.)
RAINA (sternly, as she sees him listening to the shots). Somuch the better for you.
MAN (turning). How?
RAINA. You are my enemy; and you are at my mercy. What would Ido if I were a professional soldier?
MAN. Ah, true, dear young lady: you're always right. I know howgood you have been to me: to my last hour I shall remember thosethree chocolate creams. It was unsoldierly; but it was angelic.
RAINA (coldly). Thank you. And now I will do a soldierly thing.You cannot stay here after what you have just said about myfuture husband; but I will go out on the balcony and see whetherit is safe for you to climb down into the street. (She turns tothe window.)
MAN (changing countenance). Down that waterpipe! Stop! Wait! Ican't! I daren't! The very thought of it makes me giddy. I cameup it fast enough with death behind me. But to face it now incold blood!--(He sinks on the ottoman.) It's no use: I give up:I'm beaten. Give the alarm. (He drops his head in his hands inthe deepest dejection.)
RAINA (disarmed by pity). Come, don't be disheartened. (Shestoops over him almost maternally: he shakes his head.) Oh, youare a very poor soldier--a chocolate cream soldier. Come, cheerup: it takes less courage to climb down than to facecapture--remember that.
MAN (dreamily, lulled by her voice). No, capture only meansdeath; and death is sleep--oh, sleep, sleep, sleep, undisturbedsleep! Climbing down the pipe means doing something--exertingmyself--thinking! Death ten times over first.
RAINA (softly and wonderingly, catching the rhythm of hisweariness). Are you so sleepy as that?
MAN. I've not had two hours' undisturbed sleep since the warbegan. I'm on the staff: you don't know what that means. Ihaven't closed my eyes for thirty-six hours.
RAINA (desperately). But what am I to do with you.
MAN (staggering up). Of course I must do something. (He shakeshimself; pulls himself together; and speaks with rallied vigourand courage.) You see, sleep or no sleep, hunger or no hunger,tired or not tired, you can always do a thing when you know itmust be done. Well, that pipe must be got down--(He hits himselfon the chest, and adds)--Do you hear that, you chocolate creamsoldier? (He turns to the window.)
RAINA (anxiously). But if you fall?
MAN. I shall sleep as if the stones were a feather bed.Good-bye. (He makes boldly for the window, and his hand is onthe shutter when there is a terrible burst of firing in thestreet beneath.)
RAINA (rushing to him). Stop! (She catches him by the shoulder,and turns him quite round.) They'll kill you.
MAN (coolly, but attentively). Never mind: this sort of thingis all in my day's work. I'm bound to take my chance.(Decisively.) Now do what I tell you. Put out the candles, sothat they shan't see the light when I open the shutters. Andkeep away from the window, whatever you do. If they see me,they're sure to have a shot at me.
RAINA (clinging to him). They're sure to see you: it's brightmoonlight. I'll save you--oh, how can you be so indifferent? Youwant me to save you, don't you?
MAN. I really don't want to be troublesome. (She shakes him inher impatience.) I am not indifferent, dear young lady, I assureyou. But how is it to be done?
RAINA. Come away from the window--please. (She coaxes him backto the middle of the room. He submits humbly. She releases him,and addresses him patronizingly.) Now listen. You must trust toour hospitality. You do not yet know in whose house you are. Iam a Petkoff.
MAN. What's that?
RAINA (rather indignantly). I mean that I belong to the familyof the Petkoffs, the richest and best known in our country.
MAN. Oh, yes, of course. I beg your pardon. The Petkoffs, to besure. How stupid of me!
RAINA. You know you never heard of them until this minute. Howcan you stoop to pretend?
MAN. Forgive me: I'm too tired to think; and the change ofsubject was too much for me. Don't scold me.
RAINA. I forgot. It might make you cry. (He nods, quiteseriously. She pouts and then resumes her patronizing tone.) Imust tell you that my father holds the highest command of anyBulgarian in our army. He is (proudly) a Major.
MAN (pretending to be deeply impressed). A Major! Bless me!Think of that!
RAINA. You shewed great ignorance in thinking that it wasnecessary to climb up to the balcony, because ours is the onlyprivate house that has two rows of windows. There is a flight ofstairs inside to get up and down by.
MAN. Stairs! How grand! You live in great luxury indeed, dearyoung lady.
RAINA. Do you know what a library is?
MAN. A library? A roomful of books.
RAINA. Yes, we have one, the only one in Bulgaria.
MAN. Actually a real library! I should like to see that.
RAINA (affectedly). I tell you these things to shew you thatyou are not in the house of ignorant country folk who would killyou the moment they saw your Servian uniform, but amongcivilized people. We go to Bucharest every year for the operaseason; and I have spent a whole month in Vienna.
MAN. I saw that, dear young lady. I saw at once that you knewthe world.
RAINA. Have you ever seen the opera of Ernani?
MAN. Is that the one with the devil in it in red velvet, and asoldier's chorus?
RAINA (contemptuously). No!
MAN (stifling a heavy sigh of weariness). Then I don't know it.
RAINA. I thought you might have remembered the great scene whereErnani, flying from his foes just as you are tonight, takesrefuge in the castle of his bitterest enemy, an old Castiliannoble. The noble refuses to give him up. His guest is sacred tohim.
MAN (quickly waking up a little). Have your people got thatnotion?
RAINA (with dignity). My mother and I can understand thatnotion, as you call it. And if instead of threatening me withyour pistol as you did, you had simply thrown yourself as afugitive on our hospitality, you would have been as safe as inyour father's house.
MAN. Quite sure?
RAINA (turning her back on him in disgust.) Oh, it is uselessto try and make you understand.
MAN. Don't be angry: you see how awkward it would be for me ifthere was any mistake. My father is a very hospitable man: hekeeps six hotels; but I couldn't trust him as far as that. Whatabout YOUR father?
RAINA. He is away at Slivnitza fighting for his country. Ianswer for your safety. There is my hand in pledge of it. Willthat reassure you? (She offers him her hand.)
MAN (looking dubiously at his own hand). Better not touch myhand, dear young lady. I must have a wash first.
RAINA (touched). That is very nice of you. I see that you are agentleman.
MAN (puzzled). Eh?
RAINA. You must not think I am surprised. Bulgarians of reallygood standing--people in OUR position--wash their hands nearlyevery day. But I appreciate your delicacy. You may take my hand.(She offers it again.)
MAN (kissing it with his hands behind his back). Thanks,gracious young lady: I feel safe at last. And now would you mindbreaking the news to your mother? I had better not stay heresecretly longer than is necessary.
RAINA. If you will be so good as to keep perfectly still whilstI am away.
MAN. Certainly. (He sits down on the ottoman.)
(Raina goes to the bed and wraps herself in thefur cloak. His eyes close. She goes to the door, but on turning for a last look at him, sees thathe is dropping of to sleep.)
RAINA (at the door). You are not going asleep, are you?(He murmurs inarticulately: she runs to him and shakes him.)Do you hear? Wake up: you are falling asleep.
MAN. Eh? Falling aslee--? Oh, no, not the least inthe world: I was only thinking. It's all right: I'm wideawake.
RAINA (severely). Will you please stand up while I amaway. (He rises reluctantly.) All the time, mind.
MAN (standing unsteadily). Certainly--certainly: youmay depend on me.
(Raina looks doubtfully at him. He smiles foolishly. She goes reluctantly, turning again at the door, and almost catching him in the act of yawning. She goes out.)
MAN (drowsily). Sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, slee--(Tbewords trail of into a murmur. He wakes again with ashock on the point of falling.) Where am I? That's whatI want to know: where am I? Must keep awake. Nothingkeeps me awake except danger--remember that--(intently)danger, danger, danger, dan-- Where's danger? Mustfind it. (He starts of vaguely around the room in search ofit.) What am I looking for? Sleep--danger--don't know.(He stumbles against the bed.) Ah, yes: now I know. Allright now. I'm to go to bed, but not to sleep--be surenot to sleep--because of danger. Not to lie down, either,only sit down. (He sits on the bed. A blissful expressioncomes into his face.) Ah! (With a happy sigh he sinks backat full length; lifts his boots into the bed with a final effort; and falls fast asleep instantly.)
(Catherine comes in, followed by Raina.)
RAINA (looking at the ottoman). He's gone! I left himhere.
CATHERINE, Here! Then he must have climbed down from the--
RAINA (seeing him). Oh! (She points.)
CATHERINE (scandalized). Well! (She strides to the leftside of the bed, Raina following and standing opposite her onthe right.) He's fast asleep. The brute!
RAINA (anxiously). Sh!
CATHERINE (shaking him). Sir! (Shaking him again,harder.) Sir!! (Vehemently shaking very bard.) Sir!!!
RAINA (catching her arm). Don't, mamma: the poor dearis worn out. Let him sleep.
CATHERINE (letting him go and turning amazed to Raina).The poor dear! Raina!!! (She looks sternly at herdaughter. The man sleeps profoundly.)
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الاثنين، 10 نوفمبر 2008
king Lear
Once there was agreat king of Britain He has three daughtrs. He got tired of ruling his kingdom so he decided to divide his kingdom among his three daughters acording to theirlove towads him. The king called all his daughters to know from their own lips who loved him most . The first one who spoke to the king was Goneril. She told her father that she loved him more than words could express.She told him that her father is dearer to her than the light of her eyes. Moreoverthis that her father is dearer than life itself.the king was very happy and gave her and her husband athird of his kingdom. Then the second daughter(Regan) came and told the king that she loved her father more than any other joy of life .Moreover this if she compare her love to him , she will find all other joys dead. The king again was happy and gave herand athird of the kingdom.Afterwords he called his youngest daughrt (Cordelia) whom he called his beloved .He waseager to hear from her.but she told him that because he was her father she loved himand respected him according to this duty no more noless. The king was shocked to hear this words and asked her to think of her words because this may ruin her fortune but she insisted on what she had said.so the king calllrd all his court and declared hat he had divided his kingdom btween his two daughters Goneril and Regan and that he would give Cordelia nothing of his of the Also that he would give them the crown and he would keep for himself just the name of the king and ahundred knights with him to சேரவே.
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